Six more positive tests at Riverside. Officials urge stay the course.

Six more positive cases of COVID-19 were confirmed overnight at Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center in Jefferson. This brings the total number of confirmed cases among patients to 16. Tests are still pending on employees. 

“Despite what all the models say,” according to Dr. Sherri Young, “We may be seeing our surge in Charleston and the Kanawha Valley.” Young said continuing the guidelines instituted several weeks ago will save lives. 

Young said assisted living facilities are working closely with KCHD to institute measures to ensure the safety of residents and employees. 

“I would like to praise the KCHD for handling its interactions with long-term care facilities tested throughout the Kanawha Valley,” Commissioner Ben Salango said, “The protocols enacted by KCHD are now the gold standard for addressing the outbreaks for long-term care facilities.”

Kanawha Commission President Kent Carper continued his praise of the cooperation between the county, the city and the health department. “We talk daily and make decisions about what’s best for the people of Kanawha County. We’re lucky to have Dr. Young, and her medical knowledge leading us through this.” Carper noted the KCHD sent letters to long-term care facilities in late March containing suggestions on best practices to alleviate problems. 

Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin said she appreciates the toll Coronavirus has taken on families. “As the mother of teenagers and the daughter and daughter-in-law of active parents, I realize the stress this pandemic is causing,” Goodwin said. While social distancing and staying at home are difficult, Goodwin urged people to maintain the good practices they have been carrying on. "We want all our family members to be with us for a long time," she said. "Staying the course and continuing to follow the recommended guidelines is the way to accomplish that."