Horizontal Banner Program Commission


             The deadline to submit applications for the Spring 2023 season is October 15, 2023
             The deadline to submit applications for the Fall 2023 season is April 15, 2024



In 2003, the Mayor and City Council created a Wayfinding Commission and charged that commission with creating a uniform and professional wayfinding and signage program for the city and adjoining areas.

The commission was charged with establishing guidelines for existing banner programs and creating opportunities for exciting new banner programs for community neighborhoods and events.

Currently, there are three such banner programs; Horizontal Street Banners, the Vertical Special Event Banners and the Vertical District Banners.

The banner program is not available for commercial use and may not be political or religious in subject matter.

Horizontal Event Banners

In the city of Charleston, there are opportunities for street banners which hang across all lanes of traffic. These banner locations may be used for the promotion of charitable and non-profit events around the city. The banners hang from Monday to Monday and can be reserved for a maximum of two weeks. Currently, there are four such locations:

  1. West Washington Street (West Side) 36ft x 3ft
  2. Ruffner Walk & Washington St. East (East End) 36ft x 3ft
  3. Virginia Street East (Civic Center) 36ft x 3ft
  4. 35th Street near MacCorkle Ave 36ft x 3ft

The application deadline occurs twice a year. There is an October application deadline for the first six months of the calendar year and an April application for the second six months of the calendar year.

The City Clerk's office will assign available banner dates, and will make its best effort to accommodate location requests. Weeks preceding city-sponsored events (such as FestivALL, Sternwheel Regatta, Charleston Distance Run, Doo Wop Rod Run, and the Christmas Parade) may not be available for reservation. The Wayfinding Commission will grant reservation priority first to city-sponsored events, and second to Neighborhood Association-sponsored events.


Horizontal Banner

Sample Horizontal Event Banner ( 24ft x 3ft OR 36ft x 3ft )

Vertical Special Event Banners

Special event or festival banners are designed to promote major city-sponsored, outdoor events that last for two days or more, including Live on the Levee, FestivALL, Regatta and the Charleston Boulevard Rod Run and Doo Wop. The banners are hung in and around downtown Charleston with the production cost paid for by the event planning committees. For the most part, the banners are attached to traffic light poles at intersections, although a few are on utility or street light poles.

The City of Charleston provides for the banner installation hardware. The City of Charleston’s traffic engineers install the banners.

To date, two sets of banners have been identified for use by the major Charleston-sponsored events:

Set A: Live on the Levee (May – August), followed by Charleston Rod Run (September – October)

Set B: FestivALL (May – June)

Other groups, with events that meet the criteria, may apply to be included in these sets outside the times already committed or to see if a Set C should be established at other available locations.


Sample Vertical Special Event Banner (2ft x 4ft)

Vertical Banner








Vertical District Banners Regulations

Vertical banners provide a vibrant, cohesive medium for creating a visual presence throughout the City of Charleston. The banner poles in Charleston are for the use of the City of Charleston and its districts.

Banners Districts

  • Airport Hill
  • Downtown
  • East End
  • Kanawha City
  • South Charleston
  • South Hills
  • Southridge
  • West Side

Various districts may participate in the vertical banner program by completing the application process.

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Sample Vertical District Banner (Large 30in x 84in OR Small 18in x 36in)

Representatives from the group requesting the banners must appear before the Horizontal Banner Program Commission prepared to make a presentation on their banner request.

The Horizontal Banner Program commission must approve all artwork, locations, materials, language, installation and service plans

All applications should be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.

Charleston City Clerk’s Office

City Hall

501 Virginia Street, E. Room 301

Charleston, WV  25304


Phone: (304) 348-8100

Fax: (304) 348-8038